Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Anna Grace D- Key Largo

This picture was taken in Key largo, Florida on June 5, 2014. I used my iPhone to take the photo. When I edited it I brightened it and made the sharpness more detailed. To make it better I wish that I could go into certain areas and make it more detailed and less detailed in the background. This image is one of my favorites because it’s so cool. This was my first time in the keys so it was a really awesome experience


Anonymous said...

I really love this photo! I like how the large depth of field keeps everything in the farm in focus, giving detail to every aspect of the photo. The photo is exposed perfectly, keeping detail in the shadows and the highlights. I also like how the fore, middle, and background is very well defined, leading the eye from area to area.The colors are also very cool, going the photo a relaxing mood. The photo offers a wide enough range of colors to keep it interesting, but keeps it limited enough to keep it from making the eye tired. Overall, I love this photo. I would definitely hang this photo on my wall.


Anonymous said...

I love this picture! the colors and composition are beautiful. the focus is dead on. The depth of field is really good. the feeling behind this photo is very happy and relaxed. the only thing i would change is i would have cropped the bottom a little to get the fence out of the picture.
Kristin S

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture. I like how you sharpened the picture to give it more detail, and the colors are amazing. I would have cropped it a little from the bottom so the fence would not show.
Maricela J- HHS