Friday, September 19, 2014

Leah B- Any

This picture was taken in my back yard at my house. This picture was taken with a Nikon D3200.  For this picture i changed the exposure, contrast and saturation the most. I also changed the definition, highlights, shadows, sharpness and de-noise a little also. To me, this picture has a little blur to it, but not much. That is the only thing, personally, that i would change. In this picture, the digs name s any, and she is a Austrailian Sheaperd, Lab mix.


annagrace d-HHS said...

This picture is really cool because the main focus is on the dogs face! the focus is subtle but detailed and very precise for this situation. There is no empty space really in the photo. It has the perfect amount cropped for this photo the picture has the focus and main point on the face of the dog but its not to cropped to where you can’t see the rest of the body. The area where it could have been taken in. This photo makes me think bout fall and hunting because this is a hunting dog and the colors make it warm and seasonal looking.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture mostly because of the color of the eyes; the lighting in this picture is also very good. Everything about this shot is vibrant! However, i would have maybe stepped back just a little and got the very top of the dog's head.

Erin R -HHS