Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Ayla S- Twix

 This image is titled “Twix”. This was taken November 2nd outside of my house. I placed the twix bars on a piece of construction paper in my backyard. I took it with my Canon Rebel T6. To edit this photo, I healed a few distracting elements in the background, and used a filter to manipulate the image. It could be a little better if the colors of the neon outline reflected the true colors of the twix bars.


Anonymous said...

This picture is so cool! I love how you edited this it outlines the twix and you see the lettering. This is very cool I like how you can't see the background just the twix

Anonymous said...

This picture has really cool contouring and colors. A great use of the neon filter. Also Twix is a great candy bar.I would suggest making the neon a bit brighter and more vibrant. This would make it pop even more.

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite pictures. I love how you used a piece of construction paper as your background and I like how you made the Twix neon like their glow in the dark.Very good picture Ayla you always take some very good pictures.When it comes to taking pictures your always so creative. FUTURE PHOTOGRAPHER!!!!
Bradley Bennett -HHS

Anonymous said...

I love this photo! It's so pretty. I like how the outline of the Twix bar is outlined in neon. I also like how the neon contrasts against the black background. I also love how the picture almost looks like it could have been sketched.
- Gabby.w - HHS

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic picture! You did an amazing job with the filters, and I love how defined the details are on the Twix wrappers! The colors are super cool too, it makes the picture very abstract, and it almost looks like it was created by a computer. Nice job!

Anonymous said...

Your picture is really eye catching! I had already seen this photo in school on the photography wall, but as soon as I saw it on the website, I knew I had to comment! The filter you used was a great choice. I love the composition of the twix's.

--Syd R HHS