Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Brandon B- Disturbance in the Force

 This is “Disturbance in the Force” taken on December 19th, 2021, inspired by Star Wars.  It is a photo I took on my spare time with my iPhone 13 Pro, experimenting with lightsaber effects in PhotoShop.  As I wanted to use my new Apple Magic Mouse 2 I had gotten for Christmas. I took a few, but I felt this was the best.  To do the lightsaber effect, I painted over the blade with white and then liquified it to get the Kylo Ren unstable effect.  Then I used the red color replacement tool wich highlighted the edge of the white in red, creating the lightsaber blade.  To get a fog effect I used the cloud filter, and made it transparent.  Then used red color replacement to have a red glow on the fog. And as a last touch I added the Star Wars logo, and embossed it to have a metallic look.  This photo could be better if it was a bit sharper.


Anonymous said...

This is really awesome. I like the use of everything in photoshop, and all the little details that really pull it together. I hadn't really appreciated the red glow in the fog till you had pointed it out. The effect of the blade as well, and how it moves in real time in the movie, this looks like an action shot the way you've edited it, capturing that kind of movement while still being still. Personally, I think it could be better without the Star Wars logo. I feel it pulls my eyes away from the saber and arms and hood. It could be sharper, like you said, but I also think the lack of clarity adds to it, especially with the smoke. With the front of the blade being clearer than everything behind it, it really stands out, and works well with the fog.

Will B - HHS

Anonymous said...

I really like this photo. I think you did a really good job using photoshop. I like how you gave a really detailed description of how you edited the photo it made me see everything that was added and brought out. I think the text adds a lot to the photo because if it wasn't there it would look a little odd.
- E.S

Anonymous said...

You are very talented. It's quite the masterpiece. At first glance it seemed pretty cool. The fog effect you used is really cool. The lighting is really nice. I really like how you filled the frame. I think the Star Wars logo could have been just a bit more bolder. Overall it's pretty cool.
