Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Bradley C- White Cloud

This Picture was taken over the summer walking around with Eric. It was taken by my Nikon D7000, I had a high exposure to make the cloud stand out more so no editing was needed. Overall thins a good picture I like it.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bradleyman! I remeber taking this shot with you. I really like this shot because it looks like the world is swirling. The contrast and shadows are very nice as well. I like how detailed and clear this shot is too. Good work B-rad!

Anonymous said...

This is a cool shot Bradley. The DOF is nice ad captures a big area of wherever this was taken at. A little more color and less contrast would make it a little better but overall, its a dope picture.


Anonymous said...

Cool pic!!!!!!! I really like the shape of the picture and how its round looking. I also really like how bright the grass and sky is. The sidewalk also looks cool and makes it look never ending. This picture could be better if it was sharper. Overall I would defiantly hang this on my wall!