Thursday, February 25, 2016

Zack C- Rosa Blüten

I called this shot Rosa Blüten because I’m currently learning German (at least trying to). This shot is of the flowers outside my Mom’s house, of some flowers. In reality, these flowers are red and orange, but through some shady editing, they have become pink. By boosting reds and lowering greens in both Color Balance and Channel Mixer, and as a final touch, I slid the pink slider in Selective Color up two-thirds of the way. Then I messed a bit with Contrast to get it to where it is now. Overall, I like this shot, though its problems are as numerous as its wins. For example, the foreground really pops with pink and green, a great set of complementary colors, but the blue background sucks out a lot of the complementation. Also, while the foreground is sharp and contrast, which give a very strong image when paired with such complementary colors, once again the background is not up to par: out of focus and very blurry (which doesn’t mesh well with my heavy editing). But still, its good, and like always, give me some feedback please. I need it to validate my existence. ;)


Anonymous said...

This is a really pretty image! I love how it is kind of out of focus in the foreground and get more in focus the deeper it gets. I like how there are different tones of pink and also different colors besides pink in the photo. I would definitely hang this on my wall. Also I am currently learning French! Good luck.

Dejon F -HHS

Anonymous said...

I like this photo. I like the vibrant color in everything, however I think it could be a bit too saturated. The balance and cropping seems right, with the flowers in the center of the frame. I like the focus on the front flowers, and somewhat soft background. The leaves also give it a cool vibe.
-Isaac Norton

Anonymous said...

I like the strong color you put on the picture. What I think you could change is the background ground the color just don't fit with the picture. Chris C- HHS

Anonymous said...

Zack, I'll help validate your existence :). I like the nature in your photo. I think if you took a photo of a section of the flowers rather than a whole load of flowers it'd be better and make it a better focus with more details rather than a lot of colors mixed together, but that's just a personal preference. Focus is on the flowers obviously, but I don't think the photo is in focus, sorry. I love the color of the flower, it's pleasing to the eye, but when there is tooo much pink as there is in the back, it isn't very pleasing to the eye, but I'm fine with it. I like this photo, because I'm a fan of photos of nature myself, so..... Ya :D, good job Zack, I hope you existence have been validated.

Alex Z - HHS

Anonymous said...

I like this picture! I love the bright pink in it and how the overall picture is very vibrant and colorful. I love how some leaves are very focused and others are blurry, it makes the ones that are focused the main focus of the picture and it looks nice. The only thing I would change about this picture might have been to get a little closer to the plant and make it a little more focused on just a few leaves. This picture is very pretty, and I like it a lot! Good job.

Abby U- HHS