Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Alex Z - Primal Instincts

The name of this photo is Primal Instincts. This is a composite photo of three photos, my cat, the great outdoors, and ducks. These photos were taken last semester. It was taken with a CANON camera. I edited the photo in photoshop and iPhoto. In iPhoto I added a vignette and matte to the photo of the cat, and made sure that it is full, and not faded at all using Photoshop. Using Photoshop, I used the duck photos and the forest photos to fade into the layer of the cat. It could be better if the Cat wasn’t faded out as much, but sadly that is the best I could do. I chose to do this photo because I wanted to see things at my cats point of view. My cat loves the outdoors, and he loves to hunt, sometimes he shows up with a gift (Although we don’t eat it because it’s normally squirrels). I just chose to make a composite photo all about him.


Anonymous said...

This is a great image. I love cats and a like nature. So this image pretty much sums up my likes. I also like the vignette, I think is looks a lot like another photo you did just like this... I don't think this could be any different and i like it. Overall this is a really good image.

Anonymous said...

I really do not know what the point of this image is. I like the green colors but overall it could be a lot better. This picture doesn't really have unity, it kind of seems like a bunch of stuff put together at the last minute. I think if you tried a little bit more then this image would be cooler. There isn't really a main focus. Overall it could be a lot better!