Friday, October 24, 2014

Kelvin W- Bella Kuna

Bella Luna- I took this photo with a Olympus Stylus-7030 14megapixel camara. This is a photo of my doggie Bella Luna. She is only 3 years old and she was born on Thanksgiving day. She isn’t very big she about half the size of my bookbag. I enhanced the photo and use the red eye marker to remove the redness in her eyes. I also sharpened the photo to bring out more color.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cole M-HHS

While the dog is cute, the photograph needs some work. The most apparent flaw is the improper usage of the flash feature. The dog should have been illuminated with a natural light or a distant light, rather than a close up camera flash. This effect creates an unwanted glare which is unpleasing to the viewers eyes.