Monday, October 6, 2014

Alondra P.- Halfway There

This picture was taken one day at school. Around the end of one of my classes when the teacher was no longer teaching and we were just waiting for the bell to ring. This picture was taken with my Digital Camera. A Nikon COOLPIX P600. How I edited it was by uploading it to the computer and using an app called Pixlr. Ahhh….I don’t imagine it being any better I like it just the way it is. The reason for the title being “Halfway There” is because, these are roses and yet their color and form is still holding on but are so delicate for falling apart. Also, half of the picture is in color while the rest is dark, dead without color. Yet, they’re the same roses. Half dead half alive, “Halfway There.”


Anonymous said...

This picture is gorgeous! The colors in this picture awe different. I think thats what makes it cool. I would have like to see the colors brought out more.

-Meagan M. HHS

Anonymous said...

I love this picture. The intensity of the color against the black and white version of the flower in the same setting really makes you think about perspective! I also like the sharpness of the photo as well, Great Job!
Lauren H- HHS