Monday, April 21, 2014

Jacob T- Rooster Tail

The title of the photo is Rooster Tail. The picture was taken at park wood and was with an Iphone 5 and edited with photoshop. I added a black and white layer and then i removed the black and white around the truck to allow some color throughout. The photo might have looked better if it was taken horizontally and not virticaly. Overall i like the look of the photo.


Anonymous said...

This picture is really cool and I like this. I like when you took the picture of what the truck was doing which was mudding. I like how you shot the picture of the truck when the mud kick out in the back which made the picture really cool. You did a really good job on this picture! Alex D-HHS

Unknown said...

Really like the colors you got of of this photo. could have been better if it was horizontal.
- Ashlyn HHS-