Friday, November 20, 2020

Logan W - Vine

 I’ll call his image “Vine”. I took this about mid day in my backyard. I took this image with a Canon 20D. There were a lot of black specs in the blue area and I just retouched each individual one so that I could keep the leaves clear and still remove the specs. I also decreased the brightness slightly then used the photoshop auto color feature, and this was the final result. I’m very proud of how it came out. I probably could have found a more efficient way to get rid of the specs though.


Anonymous said...

I really like this picture! I love how focused the picture is and it is not blurred or grainy. The black background truly helps bring focus to the vine itself. I also like the colors of the leaves that were captured. I think it would be really cool if you tried increasing the red or green hue in the picture to make those colors in the leaves really stand out! I like the angle you chose to take the picture because it captures the shapes of the leaves in a really interesting way. I like how the vine is sort of angled and diagonal rather than straight and in the center. It makes the picture more interesting. If you were aiming for a light natury feel with the picture, you really captured these feelings. Overall, I really liked the picture a lot! Good job!
Abigail P- HHS

Anonymous said...

This is a really great image! It is very well focused, and I like how clear and sharp it is. I also like how there is nothing in the background that takes the focus of the image off the leaves. The dark background forces the audience to focus their attention on the leaves. I also like the lighting in this photo and how it creates some neat shadows. Good work!
Ella F-HHS