Thursday, January 25, 2018

Katie C- Cold Snap Camaraderie

This picture is titled Cold Snap Camaraderie. It was taken behind the Bluff Park Creamery in late December of 2017 with my Sony ILCE- 6300. During the editing process, I removed a few minor blemishes from the model’s face, turned up the brightness a bit, sharpened the picture overall, added a more flattering filter, increased the color contrast in her eyes, blurred an awkward sliver of brick- where the wall was accidentally put into focus, and did some whitening here and there. Although I do enjoy this picture, it could potentially be better if the focus was more on her face rather than her sweater (as the majority of the photo is aimed towards her oversized winter attire), and if I took into account the rule of thirds a bit more cautiously. I do enjoy that the background isn’t stark white and is also “imperfect” with the blurred residue of trees in the background. It seems to complement the winter colors in her sweater.
Model: Britt Eichhorn


Anonymous said...

I really like this picture. Her face loves really good. The lighting was perfect. She looks like she could be a real model she looks so good and fierce. The photo looks like it could be a shallow picture. The picture is underexposed I kind of wanted to know what she was leaning but without the picture is still fine.

Anonymous said...

I love the overall feel of this picture. I also like how the background is neutral so it makes the person stand out and really captures her. overall no critiques it's a good picture.