Friday, January 12, 2018

Carmen V- Su Bautismo

Its of one of my nieces and it was the day of her baptism and she was walking and well here she had stopped crying I edited it by making the background darker and make her brighter a little bit.


Anonymous said...

The main subject is in focus and I like how she is the brightest in the picture. There is a balance of dark and light areas in the photo. The mood in the photo is intended to be happy I think because she just got baptized.
Maura P HHS

Anonymous said...

I like how the clear, main focus in this image is the little girl. I also like how the background is dark, further highlighting the child. Both the focus and exposure are good in this picture. She is adorable, and I really like the image.
Macy M - HHS

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute picture. I like how the colors are kind of muted and how dark the background is. I love how dressed up the little girl is because I feel like it really tells a story. I also like how focused the girl is because it really highlights that she's the focus of the picture. Definitely a keeper!
Gracie C - HHS