Monday, October 3, 2016

Damion C - Car Lights

This picture was taken with a Nikon D70 a few weeks ago and I named it (Car lights) because it is a long exposure picture taken of multiple cars going by and leaving the glow from the led lights. Matthew, me, and one of my friends got on a bridge and took pictures off the side, and I got lucky enough for a plane to go by while I was taking a picture and it captured the lights on the plane as well as the power lines in the background.


Anonymous said...

Awesome photo! I love how you caught the picture in such a fast motion and how the lights look like beams. I also like how clear the ground and background is. You can really see the trees and power lights and lights on the plane. So, this is really a great shot!

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing photo with tons of light in a dark area. The exposure is great in this picture because it doesn't let in too much light but just enough to make sure that you can definitely see the lines where the head and taillights were. The colors in this photo pop really well with a wide variety of reds, yellows, oranges and whites. Plus the story behind this seems like something I would do, grab a couple of buds and go watch cars drive on the road trying to get a good long exposure picture. Hopefully for me a plane passes by too.
- Cullen S.

Anonymous said...

Damion! This was an amazing photo. You rock. I love how you used the leading lines and how they are going somewhere. That Red really pops and creates a gorgeous image. This picture was really good. It makes me Think of Space ships And star wars. I see the blasters that the clones shoot. Your exposure was great. It captured the light from the cars and that in turn reflected off the ground. I am very happy having seen this picture.

Matthew G. -HHS

Anonymous said...

I love this picture! I really like the lighting and how it looks like nothing there. Theres like nothing negative i can say about this photo. The colors are very bright compared to the rest of the picture. One thing I can't tell if its night time outside or you edited it to make the main focus of the more of the colors and less background. This really reminds me of a superhero if you've ever heard of the flash this picture looks like the effect of him running. This picture is a keeper I'd put this on a wall where everyone could see it. Trajan J HHS

Anonymous said...

This picture is awesome!!!! There is nothing bad about this picture. Plus, it's awesome the way the lights are very bright making the rest of the picture dark. For some reason this picture makes me think about The Flash when he is running and you see the speed light behind him. Keep up the good work with your pictures. Francisco J. HHS

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture because of the way the exposure of the car lights takes up the entire frame. I also like how the car lights are the only focus of thsi image since the rest of the picture is dark. This reminds me of movies and shows where someone runs across the screen really fast and leaves lines behind. I also like how you can vaguely see the colors in the sky because of the plane light. The power lines do not take away focus from the car lights, but it adds more depth. This image gives off a mellow tone and a chill feeling.
Anna Grace L- HHS

Anonymous said...

I like this picture for many reasons the car lights takes up the whole frame. The lights are more focus even though it's dark outside and the bright color brings out alot of the touch to it. it looks like someones is running past the screen really fast like flash. This picture gives off a cool chill type of power to the lights