Monday, October 16, 2023

Spencer S-Mocking Bird on Fence Post

 After school, I captured a shot of a mockingbird perched on the fence in my driveway using my Nikon D40X. To create a more serene and vibrant composition, I decided to remove the fence spikes that might have cluttered the frame, and I enhanced the colors in almost every aspect of the photo. Looking back, I believe the image could have been even more captivating if the bird had been in motion, adding a dynamic element, while ensuring the clarity of the shot, which could have resulted in a cooler and more captivating photograph.


Anonymous said...

This is a really good picture, I like how you decided to remove the fence spikes from the rest of the picture because it helps show the bird is the main subject in the photo. I like how the background is all blurred but the green is very vibrant even though theres nothing noticeable in the background. The way all the colors are kind of the same temperature I think makes the photo very nice and calm.

Anonymous said...

The quality of this photo is so good! I also would not have known at all that you removed something from the background. I've always really liked birds/bird photography. The only thing I may have done different is cropped in from the top right corner so there isn't as much negative space. Overall, the colors and quality are great!

Maci J-HHS