Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Chloe J- 980

I named this photo 980 because of the number on the wall, I took it at an airport a few months ago. It was taken with my Canon XSI. I edited it by cropping it and turning up the contrast. It could be better if I spent more time on editing it. But overall I really like this picture.


Anonymous said...

I love this picture! The color is great, along with the lighting. Nice job!!

Anonymous said...

Cool image! I really like the depth of field used in the image. It keeps everything in focus in the image and distinctly shows he subject. I also really like how the chipped paint makes interesting patterns throughout the image. I also think that the use of rule of thirds in keeping the person on the left third side of the image is very effective. One thing that really stands out in the image to me is the subtle action. I like how the ends of her hair are somewhat blurred showing the action that is happening. The patterns and action are what really drew me to the image. -Matt H-HHS