Thursday, March 3, 2016

Areez L- Pepper Shaker

The title of this photo is Pepper Shaker. This was taken at my a house a couple of days ago with my Kodak camera. I edited this picture by enhancing the brightness as well as the vibrance from the candles. I think it could be better if there was no glare on the Pepper shaker.


Anonymous said...

Interesting image. The lighting is done very well, and the saturation of the image, especially the orange colors, is very nice. The image could've used some rotation and cropping, because the subjects are slightly tilted. Other than that, a good photo you have there.

Jonathan T. - HHS

Anonymous said...

Your use of color in this shot is excellent. The contrast between the main colors, blue and orange, really gives the image a good foundation on the color wheel, while the green and purple really add some variety/eye candy. As well, the geometric repetition of the candles helps contrast to the textured organic-shape of the shaker. The eye is led around the shot by the different colors and leading lines, resulting in a visually interesting image. Although, the composition is unbalanced and some of subject (candles) are slightly out of focus. Other than those complaints, I like this picture.

Anonymous said...

I really like the feel of this shot. The low light from the candles provides a warm feeling, which is nice. I like the contrast between warm colors and the cool colors in the top right. I also like the smooth texture of the pepper shaker, which can be seen in the glossiness of the wood. The photo seems to be very balanced, with the 3 candles leading up to the pepper. I think it could have been a bit sharper, but each camera has its own capabilities. Overall, I like it.

Matthew R - HHS