Friday, January 8, 2016

Rajiv P - Wilson Six-One

The title of this image is Wilson Six-One. It was taken in my driveway a couple of weekends ago. It was taken with my Canon PowerShot 160. I edited by turning up the saturation all the way up, and also turning the definition, sharpness, and highlights all the way up. It could have been better if I would have made the background more in focus or even completely changing the background all together.


Anonymous said...

Nice photo. The focus is good and it is well balanced throughout. The lighting is good and the red is contrasted well by the white. There is good use of curves and leading lines. The only thing that I would change is I might have zoomed out more so you could see more the entire racquet. Overall it is good though.


Anonymous said...

Dang Rajiv, this is a cool picture yo! I like the editing you’ve done to the red to make it stand out so much. Overall, the colors of the subject stand out well. However, the ground around the edges aren’t in focus and hard to look at. I know its too late now broski, but next time use a smaller F-stop. And overall, the image is a tad blurry, so next time try to resolve that too, or next YOU’LL get wrecked.

Zack Carlizzle - HHS

Anonymous said...

Rajiv!!! I really like this picture! I love how the tennis racquet is in focus and how the ground slowly goes out of focus towards the edges. Your eyes are naturally drawn to the upper right of the image because of the leading lines used. The colors work really well together and the red is super vivid! You did a great job at capturing your interest! I would definitely hang this picture on a wall!
-Maison R