Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Aania C- Composite

I just titled this image Composite. All of these images were taken within the last year at various times. 2 of them were taken with my iPhone and the sign one was taken with a canon. To edit it, I duplicated the background, which is the sign. Then I added the mirror and the clock into the background and lowered the opacity on both of those. I also added a motion blur to the clock. Then at the end, I just added a gradient fill layer over the top of that. I definitely think i could’ve explored more with the blending options to make it better, and if there are any suggestions pertaining to the blending or the layers that could make this cooler, I would love to know !


Anonymous said...

Great job editing this picture it looks great. the idea of the clock and the street signs together was really good i would not edit this anything.

Anonymous said...

I really like how all the pictures come together. They blend in pretty good andI love the colors you sued as well.
Lupita G- HHS

Anonymous said...

I think this is a unique picture and I feel like it is telling a message. I don't know if you did this on purpose or not but the clock and the 'one way' sign are symbolic of each other because there is only one way to travel in time. Forward. You cannot go back through time or stand still, but you must move forward. Besides that I think this picture looks cool anway and I like the purple theme. Good Job!