Monday, February 25, 2013

Jenna O - Leather Shadows

Leather Shadows was taken in class but the exposure on the camera was turned all the way down. I like the darkness of the black sheet in the background and the shadows the exposure made with the lighting. I just made the picture black and white because the tones of the color are really deep.


Anonymous said...

I'm diggin this picture Jenna! Honestly, I don't think I would change anything. Its so clear and steady. This is my favorite type of picture, where it looks so clear and unedited. Obviously you edited it to black and white, but it doesn't look like you had to do much work on it. I guess if I could change something it would be the bottom where theres a small part that COULD be blackened a little? Thats just nitpicking though. Great picture!
Will C-HHS

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting shot! I really like the calming effect you get while looking at it. Well done! Also, the shadows create a mysterious vibe.

Ashley C- HHS