Monday, February 4, 2013

Tripp W- Stone Pictorial

I took this photo for the Color assignment, but used it for the Pictorial Exercise. To start off editing this picture, I made selections of the stones and played around with levels and color balances. Then I explored the filters. I used the Cutout filter for the shoe on the right,, and the toe section on the shoe on the left. I used Polar Coordinates for the circular portion on the right, and half tone patters for the black and white lines and the orange and yellow circles on the left of the image.


Anonymous said...

Cool picture! I love the graffiti theme. I like your color choice too, the feet and legs can be distinguished from the rest of the picture pretty well. The only thing I would change would be to make some of the shapes less obvious. The oval at the bottom of the picture, in particular, stands out.

-Madhukar M

Anonymous said...

I really like how there is a variety of colors and shapes in this. You cant even tell what you are standing on but your feet stand out from nevertheless. I think it would look better if your legs and feet stayed the same color and pattern so it could stand out more instead of blending in too much with the stones.
Samantha D-HHS