Monday, January 14, 2013

Kayla B- Mirrored Ring

I named this picture "mirrored ring". I put a ring on a mirror and then took the picture. To edit this picture I changed the exposure and saturated it. I like this picture because I like how the center of the ring is so detailed and I like the different pinks in the center of the ring. If i could make this picture better I would have made the band of the ring more visible.


Anonymous said...

This is a nice picture. The lighting is just right to focus and enhance the ring. Its seems to only focus on the ring and the reflection and not much else. It is a little bit harsh on the band of the ring, but it gives the picture more reflection. The stone had very vivid colors, and it is secondary, but it is dominant in the photo. Overall, I really like this photo with the magenta streaming the background as well as the center to make it bright and vivid.

Andrew Lenzie - HHS

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture. The thing that got my eye was the color and the black background makes it stand out the reflection is awesome I would not change anything about this except boost the brightness a little bit

Anonymous said...

I really like how the picture turned out with the reflection. The focus is all on the ring and because of the color and black background the ring and reflection really stand out. I also like the colors in the picture because they immediately draw your attention. The lighting on the band is a little too much, but other than that I really like this picture.
Madison P-HHS