Friday, March 23, 2018

Anna H- Hotel Callipepla

I titled this photo Hotel Callipepla in reference to the song Hotel California. Callipepla, also known as the California Quail, is a type of bird and, since birds don’t typically stay for long in bird houses, I called it a Hotel. This photo was taken in my backyard during December with my Canon T2i. I edited it in Nik Collections with the Analog Effect.This image could be better if I had paid better attention to the snow that stood to more than the others and edited those out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the positioning of the birdhouse in the shot frame, as well as the way it puts the background out enough of the focus so the bright snow isn't too distracting. The filter used also makes the picture quite a bit more aesthetically pleasing. You are also one of the first people I've seen to use the title in a clever way that allows for me to look at the picture a bit differently. Overall this picture is very well made.

Zach F - HHS