Thursday, October 15, 2015

Samuel C- Lego Statue of Liberty

  • This was taken at the River chase Galleria on August 31, 2015
  • It was taken with a Nikon D40X camera
  • I edited it by brightening up the image and removing some dots left on the photo by the camera
  • I could have straightened the image up a bit more either by holding my hands steadier or by using a tripod and used the flash on my camera at the time to have a consistent light source across the photo


Anonymous said...

This image has a lot of potential. Some of the problems from it stem from the low light and the composition. The photo should have been composed better where the background does not look as busy and you get more of the pedastal instead of half of it. The low light makes the photo very grainy in a situation where you want a bright subject with a low of detail. If you were to shoot it again I would put a flash on it or get more light to the subject and have a natural light drop-off to hide the background.

Anonymous said...

This image looks really great but it is way too underexposed, your subject (The Statue) nearing the top is somewhat blending into the blackness in the back. It is in focus, but it needs MUCH more lighting. I like how you cropped it to (Hopefully) get rid of the distractions. Too many dark areas, as before, needs much more light areas to balance out the lighting difference. I would not hang this on my wall, because it is too dark for my taste, and I just don't like it in general because of the darkness.

Alex Z - HHS