Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Chloe j- Lookout

I named this photo “Lookout” This was taken at the Vulcan this summer. It was taken with my canon xsi. I edited it by charged the tint to more of a green/yellow, and using the enhancement tool. It could be better if I worked harder on editing it, other than that I am happy with the outcome of this picture.


Anonymous said...

I really like this photo because of how the calming light carpets the image from the left side, its not too dark or too bright. I also like how the colors of his clothes blend with the picture, and how clear the person is. If I were to change anything about this picture I would try to get more of Birmingham in the background. Great Picture!
-Matthew W HHS

Anonymous said...

This picture is really cool! I like the lighting in this picture because its very bright and warm but it also has some shadows. I like how far the depth of field is because it looks like the buildings never stop. I like how the persons clothes are cool toned and the even out the sunlight. This picture makes me feel really adventurous and happy, I would definitely hang it on my wall!