Thursday, February 11, 2021

Redezel L- Rihanna

The title of this photo is Rihanna. This is a photo of my baby sister/friend at the corner of her room. This was the night of her birthday party, January 30, 2021. I took it with my Canon EOS Rebel SL3. I edited this photo using filters from photoshop and played with the brightness. I think it would be better if I adjusted the filter a little and the focused on her fingers or took a picture of her whole hands.



Unknown said...

This photo is great. I like how the hand blurs and the rest is focused on your sister/friend's face. It's the right angle and is just a perfect fit for the picture.

Anonymous said...

This picture is so cool! I really love how your friend's hand covers her face and how it blurs out. I am not sure if I see any filter changes, other than that, great picture! - Anna

Anonymous said...

Rihanna! what an amazing piece of work, The photo is so natural it shows the the emotion of the main character in the photo. The blurred hand in front of her keeping the focus on her and adds great depth. The lighting is great because it creates shadows and highlighted points on her face. The back round makes the photo more calming to look at because of the natural tones with the grey and white.