Monday, September 25, 2017

Presley G- Hoover High School

I took this in the huge beauitiful courtyard of Hoover High and I took this August 11th. I took the photo with a Pentax K200D. I added color and brightness to the photo. It could be better if I make it a little bit darker and less color saturation.


Anonymous said...

This is a great photo! I love the colors and how you got the American flag in it. I think it would be better if you cropped the light pole out of the shot. But overall an awesome photo.
Alexa Smith HHS

Anonymous said...

This is a very bright picture, I love the color detail in the American flag. I like how the flag stand out in the picture an it's the first thing that you see, and all the items that have color in this picture . In all I think this a beautiful picture I would hag this up in the front office because this is a great repensation of Hoover High School

Anonymous said...

I actually love the amount of light introduced in the photo (In my opinion, if you made it any darker the details on the school building would be harder to see) and the color saturation. It makes the photo look really intense, especially with the lens flare near the flag. The angles are really great and the subject is easily seen. This is definitely a great picture!
Danielle M - HHS