Monday, September 18, 2017

Gracie C- Yucky Ducky

The title of this image is Yucky Ducky. It was taken at Lake Logan Martin on August 19, 2017. It was taken with a Canon EOS REBEL T5. I edited it by increasing shadows and decreasing exposure and highlights. I also increased up the saturation. It could have been better if I had taken the picture from an angle where the sun did not shine so brightly off the ducks back. I named the image Yucky Ducky, because Yucky is the name of the duck in the photo.


Anonymous said...

Gracie! I love the way you named and captured this picture. I love how the main focus of this picture was on your duck, Yucky. I feel like you cropped the picture just right to capture Yucky. i really like the color balance of the color of yucky and the water of the lake. I really like the picture and I would definitely hang it up in my room.
Amber T- HHS

Anonymous said...

Its very cute how you capture the duck and named its yucky ducky. The angel is perfect honestly even though the sun hit its back a bit too much its still looks good.
Carmen V.- HHS

Anonymous said...

This picture is really pretty. I wish that the duck had been more in focus, and that the picture overall could've been lighter. If you had toned it down just a little bit on the saturation, the picture would've looked better.

Jasmine Walker-HHS