Monday, February 13, 2023

Ahmad J- The Pyramids of Giza

 The photo was taken in Cairo Egypt, though I guess that's not hard to guess. It was taken during the summer while I was employed in Egypt. It was taken with my iPhone and I edited it by cropping it, bumping up the saturation, and editing out a few people. It would be better If I had been able to capture the 3rd period in the shot in my opinion. Rather pleased with the photo overall. 


Anonymous said...

I love the pyramid's and the lighting, what you could have changed is you could have got a closer and taken the picture horizontal this would also make the other pyramid that is small to be included.

Anonymous said...

i really adore this picture because seeing the pyramids in any angle is super cool to me

Anonymous said...

This is a cool shot and we don't see a lot of out of country photos in this class! I love how the pyramid is centered in the middle and how much of the foreground we can see. The only thing I would do to make it a little better is move forward so the pyramid doesn't look so small.
- rb