Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Emma H- Jack

This Is a dog I love so much named Jack. This was taken at my Nana’s house on Thanksgiving on my phone. I edited with by lighting the picture to see his other eye and cropped my arm out to focus on his head. This could be better by getting better lighting and getting more of his head in the picture. The dog in this image is one of the best things that has ever happen or came in to my life.


Anonymous said...

I like the depth of field in this image. I like the blurry background behind the dog. I feel like the crop should have been farther back. I like this phot and it looks like a happy photo. I would hang this photo on my wall because I like dogs.

-Cam M HHS

Anonymous said...

The light hitting from the right side makes the subject look darker in the other side, it losses interest of what is trying to focus. The dog could also be more center to the picture to give it more esthetic. regardless the light is hitting from one side I like how the dog eye looks in reflexion from the sun.

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture, your dog is very handsome and It is overall a great photo. The exposure of this picture, however, is a little bit unbalanced. There are some areas where you have the main subject/focus, Jack, to appear a little bit brighter on one side (the left) and over exposed, and a bit darker and under exposed on the other (the right), I fell like this could have occurred due to the fact that animals aren't always still for long periods of time and the position of the sun on the left side of the photo, one way you could avoid this in the future is by simply using a tripod or setting the camera down on a surface where the sun isn't exposing too much of one area. Besides the exposure, this photograph has a great color and tonal range of your dog. You can see all different shades of browns, black, white, and a bit of gray in some areas. Finally I would have to say this picture is definitely a keeper, I really love animals and in my opinion your dog is extremely adorable and its something you could always look back on.

Alana W. - HHS