Friday, November 20, 2015

Alex Z - The Logan Crisis

I call this photo “The Logan Crisis” because Logan is basically a crisis, he’s too funny. This was taken on the Hoover High School marching band practice field on October 19th, 2015. It was taken with my CANON PowerShot ELPH 100 HS. I edited this photo using curves, blur filters (On the three people also in focus), attempted to make the sky darker, hopefully making it a nice blue (failed), I got rid of the soccer players, as well as added a rainbow onto Logan’s face to show how happy he is. I also went to mess with Logan’s face just for giggles, and made his eyes darker, and gave him a two-faced self (Light side and dark side). This photo could be better if I had taken this away from the sun facing the camera at an angle, because there wasn’t much I could do thanks to that…    Logan is still chill though about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One word between you and me Alex. Wow. I've seen my fair share of logan in the photo blog. But this one is kind of cool because of the rainbow that sits on his face . I think this could have been better if you had taken this at a different angle and cropped out the other people in the image. I like how I can tell that Logan is the main subject of the picture but once again I wish you had just taken the picture from another angle or cropped out the other distractions. Overall this was a good picture.