Monday, December 5, 2022

Matthew H- Royalty

 This image is titled “Royalty” and I took it on my kitchen table a few nights ago. I set up my camera above the table and angled it down before setting up the scene. I spread out cards face down and turned over a king of hearts so it was the only card showing. I edited the image by using the dodge tool to brighten the king card and give it a glowing effect. I also gave it a vignette and blurred the details of the surrounding cards to focus even more on the king card. I wanted to create a magical feeling around the card and I feel like I accomplished that pretty well. If I could change anything about the image it would be playing around with different angles and seeing if they emphasized the card even more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like how the card that is flipped over has some kind of effect that pops it out more. I'm happy that the cards cover the whole area of the picture, so there are no distractions. If I was given the option I would probably use this as a background for something. I rate this photo overall a 8.7 out of 10.