Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Faye M- Hypocrite

The title of my image is Hypocrite because when I found this sticker, “Don’t Be Boring” it reads, was in the middle of an absolutely massive blank and cracked wall, and seemed kind of ironic to me. It was taken in Charleston, SC during spring break. It was taken with my Nikon camera. I edited it with a greater contrast and added a vignette to the edges in order to push the focus more towards the sticker itself. It could be better if the image was framed so the sticker was less of the main focus, and maybe tried to shift the composition to include the boring wall and some of the more colorful items by the wall.


Anonymous said...

This photo is actually really cool. Considering the fact the background is really boring but the sticker explains that it is meant to be boring. I love the hypocrisy in the picture and I think it is humorous. However, it would be better if maybe the shot was closer to the sticker while also showing the boring background.

Anonymous said...

I like this picture because of the sticker and the note that comes with it that says don't be boring and it's just a random sticker on a wall with no real purpose.That's why i like this picture because it's confusing and yeah