Tuesday, February 6, 2018

PierceB- Charles

Charles is the name of this photo, because that is the name of the cat. The picture was taken over Christmas break in Arizona. I used a Sony DSC-H300, and the only editing I did was to crop the photo a tiny bit. If the Image was a little sharper I would like it a little more.


Anonymous said...

Bro Charles looks fly as hell. This boi ain't takin nothin from nobody and if you try and mess with this man he'll ruin your day. Nice picture of a God in mortal's clothing. -Will C.

Anonymous said...

Charles looks llke a real chilled cat unlike my cat which is the same as charles but name is pepper but any way this picture looks great man, the only thing i would truly change about it is how bright it is. it seems like the bright lights where way to intensified but its an all great picture i know what to focus on and what i'm supposed to be looking at great picture man 10/10 - Jahred