Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Carter S- Goofy

I like this photo because it displays an accurate representation of the goofiness and fun me and my friends have in our 7th period math class with our favorite math teacher Ms. McClean. I took this photo with my iPhone camera and I do not think any edits would be necessary to be made because as a natural unedited photo is best to show what is happening in the photo. I am the fellow on the left, Landon is the fellow in the middle, and Beyeron is the fellow on the right. There used to be one other person who sat at our table but we had exiled him to another table for not coming to school one day. Thank you for taking the time to read about the best photo on the blog, I appreciate your time. Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This photo is probably the greatest piece of art of our generation. The statement of pulling your shirt over your head is truly incredible. I know this is the work of a true artist because you use no edit. The blank expressions of your faces show the harsh reality of infinite numbers and how short our lives are compared to infinite feeling of the universe and math. All around my life has truly changed for the better because of seeing this photo. I would not be who I am today if I had not seen this photo