Thursday, March 23, 2017

Damion C - Panorma 6

This is a panorama I took in the basement of my moms apartment building and the room was dark so I used the flash to light it up. I used the toy camera filter in the Nik collection to give it the 3D effect.


Anonymous said...

I like this picture a lot it has nice exposure that varies throughout the photo. whatever the 3D effect thats going on in it is really cool gives it an erie feeling like the beginning of a scary scene in a horror film.

Anonymous said...

Dude this picture is amazing. I love the little extra pop you get from the red and blue lines. The panorama looks amazing man. Good job.

Anonymous said...

Cool pic! I really like the thought that you put into this and the image itself. The panorama really brings out the structure and the overall view and the filter that you added really does make the image pop and adds more interest to the picture itself. This kinda reminds me of a horror film and has a creepy effect. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

This is a cool picture. I think that the exposure is great. This picture kind of has a 3-D feel with the purple and blue bands around the posts. Overall this is a great picture.

Reid B- HHS

Anonymous said...

Lily D- HHS
This is a super cool picture!! I like how it is taken in the basement of an apartment building because it creates a really cool mood. The floors look like they are going to sink in. I like the edit you did a lot because it brings out the picture. Good job!!