Thursday, March 16, 2017

Maddy F- Tilt

I made this composite with a picture of my sister, and a picture of a graffiti wall. I took the picture of my sister in Huntsville a weekend or two ago.  This is a pretty simple composite but I thought it gave the original picture of just my sister an urban twist.


Anonymous said...

Great outcome, well done. The overlay of the graffiti was a really great idea, it really does give an urban look.This was really well done and all I have to say for editing would probably do a little more enhancement on your sister to really let her pop out but overall really great stuff. Would defiantly hang on my wall.
-Julia M. HHS

Anonymous said...

I think this is a really cook picture! It took me a minute to look at it and see the two pictures as if they were separate. The composite placing is perfect. I like the dark colors because it gives off that edgy vibe. Great pic! - HHS Margaret S