Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Raphael F- Bottle Tops

The title of my photoblog image is called Bottle Caps. This photo was taken in the ceramics room of my school with my Pentax SLR. This photo was edited by reducing a bit the shine on the bottles and darkening the image somewhat to add to the detail and make the openings in the bottle more pronounced. This picture could be better if I brought out the color of the bottles a bit more instead of leaving them be. I like this image because the bottles are all focused in a line and it looks cool the way they are the main focus of the picture.


Anonymous said...

I really like this picture! Its cool how the first bottle is focused and the others are more blurry, the colors are also really pretty and I like the reflections. Good job!
Mary C HHS

Anonymous said...

this is a really good picture! I like how its focused on the first bottle but the other two are blurred in he background. Gauge I- HHS