Monday, December 2, 2013

Zoya D- Lamp

The name of my picture is “Lamp”
I took this at home.
I took this picture with my digital camera.
I edited it by making it more black and white, but also keeping it a little bright.

It could be better if I took it from a better angle.


Anonymous said...

I think this picture has potential and is built off a cool foundation, but there are a couple things you could improve on as well. Placing the photo on the left third of the image looks really good and gives the picture a good feel. I also really like the desaturation of the photo through the black and white layer. I do feel however, that you could darken the background or the exposure overall. I would suggest a dark room with the lights on using a tripod. I would also straighten the image slightly. Most of all be more descriptive with your explanation. It tells little to none about the photo. Elaborate.
Logan M.

Anonymous said...

I really love how the lamp is to the left side of the image but perhaps if you'd maybe gotten higher to get a straight angle of it, it would've been a bit better. The very faded feeling it emits is nice and I really enjoy the blandness of it. The shadow of the lamp in the back is a little distracting but overall nice job.

-Aleena HHS