Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mylie U- Eye of the Will

This is a picture of Will Clifton's eye. I took this because I needed an "I' for the name with pictures assignment. I liked this photo because it is an "i" using an eye. I copped most of his eyebrow out. Then I added a layer. I made the green more prevalent and then I erased it around the eye. It was too bright so I turned down the ocupancy. 


Anonymous said...

At first not knowing why there was a rectangle on his face confused me at first but after reading it, I think it's really funny and creative. It's a good use of different things to be unique and stand out. The color of green is really pretty and strong, but not to over powering. Overall it is a really good and really funny photo.

Ashley P- HHS

Anonymous said...

I like this photo because of the way you enhanced the green color in his eye. I like the creativity behind using his eye as the letter "i". I think the photo would also look good if it was black and white.
Amelia S-HHS