Monday, November 26, 2012

Ashley V- Hot n Cold

This Picture is a picture of my Starbucks cup on my brothers car. I took this picture because I thought it was cool and it was a random picture I took, not thinking about the assignment. I enhanced the color and boosted the contrast. I blurred the edges a lot to make the cup and the water on the car the main focus.


Anonymous said...

I think this picture is okay, but there are a few things that could have been done to make it better. When I look at the photo, I don't know what exactly to look at. The background is very busy and I can clearly make out the garage door, trees, and a house across the street. Also, the coffee cup is centered in the photo as well. It would have been better if you followed the Rule of Thirds. I think this photo could have been better if you would have cropped in on the coffee cup and the photo would have just a table and a brick wall in the background. Overall, I like the many colors that are in the photo, I just think it is a little busy.

Anonymous said...

I like this picture. However I think the top of the picture is overexposed while the bottom of the picture is underexposed. I wish the top of the picture was cropped out more but the colors are nice. I feel like there are some ways this picture could be improved but other than that I really like it.
Kayla B.-HHS

Anonymous said...

I like how distinct you made the water look in this picture. The color are nice and bright against the car. Looks grew and good job on the lighting