Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Luiza L- In My Backyard

This picture was taken outside in my backyard for the Night and Day project. I edited it by changing the exposure, changing the curve, increasing the brightness and contrast, and adjusting the hue and saturation so that the picture was more yellow. The light source I used was natural lighting outdoors. It could be better if there was a clear subject in the picture. All of the grass and leaves in the photo can make it seem chaotic and overwhelming.


Anonymous said...

you did a very good job getting everything focused, how everything is sharp. i link how there is no main subject its just about everything. i like the colors of this picture, they all coexist together nicely. the colors pop really well not taking over one another but yet all stand out.
Elijah E-HHS

Anonymous said...


I really like how your picture is so happy and positive! The way you framed the photo is great as well, using the leaves and branches. Also, the different shades of green create are very interesting.

Ashley C- HHS