Friday, October 19, 2018

Yuliana Z- Vintage Vibe

I named this picture “Vintage Vibe” because of my friend Lara, and my subject of the picture, her outfit gives off a vintage vibe with the primary color saturated shirt and her high waisted skinny jeans. The photo was taken on September 14th at the Summit. It was taken with my Canon EOS Rebel T6. I edited this picture by using the Viveza 2 Nik Collection feature to bring focus on just her, as well that I increased the saturation, sharpened her features, and decreased the shadows. I also removed a stray hair she had, a women’s leg in the background, and a blemish she had on her chin.


Anonymous said...

Love this portrait picture! The red, yellow, and blue compliment each other nicely and really work well together. The lighting is nearly perfect but I think it could be a little bit more brighter, like adjusting the shadows and highlights. Other than that, it's a really great picture!

Anonymous said...

This is a really good portrait! I like how the subject is in focus and the background is a bit blurry. I also like how you used the rule of thirds to position your subject. The lighting is nice and soft, and compliments your subject and the background well. Overall, this is a really cool, Instagram-worthy shot.

Grace R- HHS

Anonymous said...

I love this picture. I love how bright this picture is and the color is vibrant and it really catches your eye. I also like how the background is a little blurry because it really makes you focus on the subject. I think everything in this picture goes together really well! It's an awesome picture!!