Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Jake D- Unexpected View

This photo is called “Unexpected View.” Mainly because this was taken through a trash can with 2 openings. I thought it was a cool idea to take it that way. This was taken at Railroad Park on August 26th. It was taken with my camera, which is a Nikon Coolpix L830. I edited it by darkening it a tiny bit so the main focus was the view and not the insides of the can. I changed the color a little bit too. Nothing too complicated with this photo. I wish the color of the trees, bushes, etc was a little more saturated so the colors would pop better. Overall I am satisfied with this picture and it is one of my favorites.


Anonymous said...

This image caught my eye because it almost looks like it was cropped in a half circle. I like that the foreground is a little bit blurry so the background is the main focus. The framing of this picture makes an ordinary subject, a park, much more interesting. Overall, this is a very unique picture and I like it a lot.

Grace R- HHS

Anonymous said...

This image is very eye catching, and I think the perspective on this picture is very cool. Overall, I wouldn't change anything. Great job! -Emily R HHS