Monday, September 17, 2018

Ainsley M- Dr. Pepper

The title of this photo is ‘Dr. Pepper’. This picture was taken at Pepper Place downtown on August 25th and it was taken with a Sony Digital camera. I edited it by turning up the brilliance and the contrast to make the building darker. I also turned up the color to make the red of the sign and blue of the sky more vibrant to stand out. I think this picture could’ve been better if I had included the whole sign but it was cut off at the bottom of the photo.


Anonymous said...

Neat picture! I like how the picture is kind of dark but has the contrasting red sign. It's nice because you have a good, brighter contrasting color to the overall blue tone to it.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture! I really like how the sun is shining and bring out the bricks. Also, I love the red, white, and dark blue colors. I really like how they bleed together with the dark buildings.