Thursday, December 7, 2017

Christian P - A Card from Nature

This picture is called “A Card from Nature” it was taken in my backyard when I accidentally dropped a card while taking pictures for the pick a color assignment.  It was taken with my Nikon D3300 and I edited it by desaturating the background to make it black and white and adding some saturation and contrast to make the card stand out more.  I think it could be better if the card followed the rule of thirds better and if there was less blue color bleeding into the white parts of the card.


Anonymous said...

This is a really cool picture! I like how the card really stands out from the background. The color is also really pretty. I do agree that you could've followed rule of thirds a little better, but I still think that this is a good picture. This picture kind of puts off a rainy day type of vibe and I really like it. Definitely a keeper.
- Gracie C HHS

Anonymous said...

This image is pretty cool. I like how in focus the card is, and the monkey grass (I think that's what that is...) adds brilliant radial symmetry. The mood is very nice, set by the contrasting black and white with the rich blue. Nice Job!
-Hannah J. HHS

Anonymous said...

This picture is amazing. I like how the card stands out in the photo.the mood is very chill not to loud and chill, Set by the contrastiong black and white the rich blue good job.