Thursday, December 14, 2017

Mac S. Optical Current

The title of this image is “Optical Current.” It was taken in my home about a month ago and with my Canon PowerShot ELPH 190. I edited the image with Pixelmator. I used the swirl tool and blurred the image slightly to give it a cool affect. I love taking pictures of eyes but I sometimes I get tired of my boring brown eyes and want to take pictures of blue or green eyes. Brown eyes are beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I want a little more color pop. I could have done better if I knew how to work Pixelmator and maybe had a model to take pictures of. I some what know how it works but if I knew how to cut things out and paste it, I would like my photo much better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this photo! I notice a lot of people take pictures of eyes and it can get boring but the way you edited this photo makes the photo very interesting. I like how you used the swirl tool and the blur tool to make the photo look soft. I do think the colors are pretty neutral in this photo and if there was some color then the photo would pop more. The lighting looks good though, there isn't too much bright areas or dark areas. Again I do like this photo a lot and overall I would keep this. AW-HHS