Thursday, February 16, 2017

Joey B- Backyard Tile Sky Church

The title of this image is Backyard Tile Sky Church. It is a composite photo of a picture of my backyard, a kitchen tile, the sky and my church. These photos were taken at various times and places, all with a Canon EOS Rebel T5. I added the tile with a linear light layer, the sky with a darker color layer, and the church with a screen layer. I masked out the church building itself to make it appear like a silhouette. This photo would be better if I had outlined the cross on the steeple perfectly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool pic! I really like the idea that you had in editing this picture. I also like how you made the church stand out and how you can see the outline of it as well as the trees. It kinda reminds me of abstract art and the shapes used in it. I believe that this image could be better by making the sky a bit bluer so as to not blind the onlooker and make the church stand out more. Overall, I think that this is a great picture! - Heath M