Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Matt H- To Grandma's House We Go

The title of this image is “ To Grandma’s House We Go.” the inspiration  behind the tile is the lyrics “Over the river and through the woods, To grandmother's house we go;” from a children’s song that I remembered. This was taken at Flat Rock national park in Columbus, Georgia. I took it while I was visiting my grandmother on August 30th, 2015. This picture was taken with a Cannon Eos Rebel T1i camera. To edit the image I increased the saturation to 66, the definition to 89, the highlights to 100, the shadows to 33, and the sharpness to 16. I also cropped the image to center the focus on the bridge and increased the temperature to 77 and decreased the tint to -12. I think the edit made the image appear transcendental and fantasy like. I would have liked to have gotten a little closer to the center of the bridge to create better balance within the image. To do this, I would have had to jump in the river and get really wet. I really like how much this picture looks like it came out of a scene of Little Red Riding Hood.


Anonymous said...

I really like this photo mostly because you took a picture of something that reminds me of a scene.I love the colors and just how everything just goes together. I actually been to that bridge in Georgia and its absolutely beautiful but this photo captures all the things that makes it beautiful. I also like your edits to this photo and how you really put details into this photo that lets me know exactly how you edited it and gave me full description. The only thing I would change is what you said about to make the bridge a little bit more balanced and zoomed a little. I would put this in my room just because its such a beautiful photo and its relaxing and peaceful. The exposure,lighting and the Depth of Field is amazing and really pops out all the colors.

Alena D-HHS

Anonymous said...

This is a great photograph, I like how the lighting enhances the forest in the picture, including the trees, bridge, and water. The bridge looks a little awkward because only the left underside of the bridge shows, but besides that, the bridge looks good. The diversity in browns and black on the bridge helps with making the bridge the center of the scene, and centering the bridge was a good idea. The entirety of the scene seems bright and calm. The colors are very vibrant, and the sharpness of the picture really makes it complete.

Jonathan T. - HHS

Anonymous said...

i think this photo is actually pretty great. the mixture of color and the way it all blends is beautiful; especially the brown on green, Id say it gives it an earthen, vibrant feel. I think if the pictures position was a bit closer it would really bring some more interesting aspects out of it. Other than positioning great pic. C.M. -HHS

Anonymous said...

The main subject is in sharp focus and I feel it is appropriate for the situation. The lighting is soft light although i think a harsh shadowing from the trees could look very cool. I guess they aren't the subject so it works well for the desired results. The shot is centered although i think it could have placed the bridge on the top third and add a little focus to the water or place it on the lower third and add focus to the trees. I get a dull feeling from this because of all the brown and dark green in this photo. I like this photo although i wish it was a little bit tighter and framed differently.

Anonymous said...

The main subject is in sharp focus and I feel it is appropriate for the situation. The lighting is soft light although i think a harsh shadowing from the trees could look very cool. I guess they aren't the subject so it works well for the desired results. The shot is centered although i think it could have placed the bridge on the top third and add a little focus to the water or place it on the lower third and add focus to the trees. I get a dull feeling from this because of all the brown and dark green in this photo. I like this photo although i wish it was a little bit tighter and framed differently. WS-HHS