Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sana K- TV Shows

This picture is of my CDs of TV shows, and I took this picture in my room with my Canon Powershot SX40 HS. I edited the picture by cleaning up the background using the clone stamp, healing tool, and paint brush tool. I also unsaturated the background and increased the contrast of the CDs. I could have improved the picture by making the background a bit smoother and also completely desaturating the background.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is a really cool picture! I like how you sharply focused on the DVDs and really made them stick out as the subject with the plain background. I like how the background color is somewhat gradient, so it's not all one color, however I would probably make the lighter section a bit wider. Overall, I think you successfully accomplished letting us know about you with the picture, since we can see what your movie interests are and that's obviously reflective of your personality. Great job!
Greyson VH - HHS